A fully funded PhD position (starting Fall 2023) is available with Dr. Katherine Graham in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Ideal candidates will have backgrounds in environmental engineering, environmental science, and/or microbiology. Students are expected to complete coursework in environmental engineering principles and be highly motivated to research topics in environmental public health and engineering. See our laboratory website (grahamlab.org) for details on our current research interests.
As a part of the position, students can expect one-on-one mentoring with Dr. Graham, a workspace in a newly renovated laboratory, opportunities to TA if interested, and a collaborative research environment within the department. Learn more about GT and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering here: https://ce.gatech.edu/.
Prospective applicants should reach out to Dr. Graham (kgraham61@gatech.edu) with your current resume/CV if interested in the position or with any questions.