Environmental chemistry, nanoscience

Job Type
Job Rank
Graduate research assistant
Job Institution
University of Houston
Job Description

Dr. Stacey Louie is seeking graduate research assistants for Fall 2024 (preferred) or Spring 2025 for the PhD program in Environmental Engineering at the University of Houston. PhD students will conduct research on projects funded by NSF and other agencies in the areas of environmental chemistry, nanotechnology, and the fate of environmental pollutants. Specific project topics include the fate of heavy metals in bioremediation, and co-contaminant interactions between nanoplastics and other pollutants.

Engineering students with a strong background in chemistry (e.g. Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering), exceptional work ethic and self-motivation, and passion for science are particularly encouraged. Graduate students will receive opportunities for hands-on training with advanced analytical instrumentation as part of their traineeship.

Interested applicants should email Dr. Louie (slouie@uh.edu) with a copy of your CV or resume, including GRE scores, and a statement of interest describing former coursework or research experiences and current research motivations. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.